Use the Search box to see if a specific class is available. If it's not offered or not at the date/time you need?
Come be an artist with us!
No experience? Not a problem. Jodi and Nathan will help you discover your creative abilities in a friendly, supportive environment for Adults/Teens and Children.
Each year, we offer some hundreds of classes and workshops for students, ages 3 to 93, who range from beginner to seasoned professional. Explore drawing, painting, stained glass, mosaics, and more. We are practicing artists who sincerely enjoy teaching students at every level.
Workshops vs Classes
Workshops are a one-day event covering several hours.
Classes are a 4-week series for 1-1.5 hrs each week.
Workshop and Class Registration
There are 3 ways to register for classes and workshops.
1 - Online registration on this website, credit cards are accepted. Create an account, so your registration information will pre-fill on your next registration.
2 - In Person - Stop by the studio, cash, check, or credit cards
3 - Over the phone, call/text 805-507-5634, leave a message, we will call you back and take the registration over the phone including credit card payment.
Payment for class is due with registration. Catalog
Class cancellations due to inclement weather are determined by the
instructor and a make-up class will be scheduled. We do not use
any of the local school's cancellation schedule.
Full refund is available if Jodi Baldacci Art Studio is notified by email before the day of the class. No refund will be given if notification is same day or after the class or workshop.
There are no make-up classes available if you miss a class in a series of classes.
Jodi Baldacci Art Studio, its members, instructors, trustees, or staff are not liable for damages of any nature arising out of participation at the studio.
Photo Release: Jodi Baldacci Art Studio may photograph classroom activities and events for promotional and documentary purposes. By enrolling yourself or a family member in a class, camp or workshop, you grant Jodi Baldacci Art Studio, its representatives, and employees the right to use photographs of you and/or your work (or your child and child's work if applicable) in print and/or electronically for promotional purposes without financial compensation or notice. Contact Jodi Baldacci Art Studio to opt out of this policy.
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible entrance and restrooms. For TTY/TDD us Ohio Relay Service 1-800-750-0750